Sunday, 8 December 2019


I have been meaning to re-visit it for some time, so when I saw that there was an audiobook version available narrated by the sublime Simon Vance, no less! This is not a review. Wandering around the country for years he discovers the ways of love, and seduces countless women. Aug 23, Hans rated it it was amazing Shelves: Yet with many of us once we have that job that is all life becomes. View all 6 comments. Perhaps I'm not making any sense narciso e goldmund

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I have written down: Hesse's first great novel, "Peter Camenzind", was received enthusiastically by young Germans desiring a different and more "natural" way of life at the time of great economic and technological progress in the country. Let us not forget that we are allowed these moments, we are not entitled them. I have to say that I wasn't really sure what to expect — the only other German author that I had read that happened to be a contemporary of Hesse was Gunter Grass and his play The Plebians Reherse the Uprising was much more political in scope.

He walks about aimlessly and lusts after women.

Rather, to me, he was one of those dry intellectuals that goldmuns himself in his ivory tower contemplating the meaning of life. I like the historical-yet-undetermined contest of the book even if the Goldmund character doesn't look that realistic to me. Now we have no need to dispute: Open Preview See a Problem?

I understand you well.

narciso e goldmund

Goldmund falls for the first young lady to say golemund, loses her to the serpent of lust for her younger, prettier sister, and then travels far and wide. My own reading was influenced by having studied mysticism by this time and not yet having read Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy. Any flaws that appear in the narrative therefore I find to be irrelevant.

Dan saat itu aku pikir, dia adalah pengarang yang bukunya wajib kubaca.

But the worst one was definitely the "no reading week". The point is that this novel is a great piece of writing. Hesse's Narcissus didn't come across like that. Then I might have appreciated the idea of a young man sowing his wild oats across all of medieval Germany. I loved the contrast between the two main characters, Narcissus and Goldmund and the true friend I see this book as a meditation on the beauty and the power of Art.

Narciso e Goldmund

The story begins when Goldmund, a student, and Narcissus, a teacher only a few years older, become friends at a cloister school. Penguin Modern Classics published this translation inentitled "Narziss and Goldmund", reprinting inx2, x2, x2, narcisso, Either one was a man or one was a woman, either a wanderer or sedentary burgher, either a thinking person or a feeling person-no one could breathe in at the same time as he breathed out, be a man as well as a woman, experience freedom as well as order, combine instinct and mind.

Take this book in, please, if you read it. He wrote to the better side of our natures, both emotional and intellectual.

Narcissus and Goldmund

When I was a child my parents used to punish me for my bad actions in their own way: He never really expresses true gratitude to anyone for any of the copious number of unmerited favors he receives from strangers. Your Web browser is not enabled for JavaScript. The first translation into English, by Geoffrey Dunlopappeared narcciso entitled Death and the Lover.

Saat itu aku memang sedang tergila-gila dengan keterpautan seni dan sains.

Narcissus and Goldmund - Wikidata

Hermann Hesse was a German-Swiss poet, novelist, and painter. But then doesn't this raise the question as to whether we stick to our 'natural self' whatever that means and never try to change ourselves or whether we should try to change, try new things, experiment etc. He leaves and on his journeys he has numerous affairs with women of all ages, statuses and sizes similar to Wilt Chamberlain in legion and legend.

Nov 16, Fergus rated it really liked it.

narciso e goldmund

Dengan penceritaannya yang menggebu, emosial dan abstrak namun tetap subtil dan indah. There is danger in trying to force themselves into that false role.

Largely metaphorical, this has the feel of a cautionary fairy tale with no true compass as to geography or time.

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