More information regarding the Enforcement Forum is available online. The current Toxic Chemicals Control Act regulates only new chemicals, while the proposed bill would regulate new chemicals as well as the approximately 6, existing chemicals manufactured or imported in amounts that equal or exceed one metric ton per year. For the substance manufactured and imported in an amount less than ten tons, Japan did not complete a risk assessment. The bill would require high-volume hazardous chemicals, selected by a government evaluation committee for every two-year cycle based on usage purposes and manufacturing and import volumes, to proceed through the REACH process. The document is available online.
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The Brazilian labelling standard has been updated
The document states that the questions and answers will be complemented by further questions and answers, if and when they arise from the implementation of Annex XVII. The issues covered include obligations relating to substances in articles, classification, labeling, and packaging CLP labeling requirements, and extended SDS-related issues, and the discussions and conclusions on these issues will be available to the public through the Enforcement Forum's meeting minutes.
Substances exempted from the registration requirement include:. A July 6,report entitled Measures to be implemented and additional impact assessment with regard to scope changes, pursuant to the new RoHS Directive assesses the impact of the final RoHS recast, which did not go through an impact assessment after changes were made to the scope of the proposed RoHS recast.
Comments are due August 22, In a notice in the July Chemical Gazette, NICNAS announced the availability of revised notification forms for use when notifying new industrial chemicals in the certificate categories.
More information is available, in Chinese, online. More information regarding the Enforcement Forum is available online. It also introduces the joint submission obligations for companies that have to register the same substance. MOE first proposed the legislation in Marchand under the revised bill, the reporting cycle has been abjt from one to two years and the volume threshold for registration has been increased from 0.
Recent Regulatory Developments | The ACTA Group, L.L.C.
The second, which ECHA notes "may appeal more to the numerous small and medium-sized enterprises abbnt this business," requires companies to submit an application to their own national authority, to sell a product in their home country. The objective of the study was to assist the European Commission EC in such an assessment and recommend any necessary amendments to the scope.
According to Szilvia Deim, Chair of the Enforcement Forum, the manual will provide "non-binding" advice and will not be publicly available. The National Assembly is expected to pass the proposed legislation and related regulations at the beginning ofwith the bill coming into force in The bill would require high-volume hazardous chemicals, selected by a government evaluation committee for every two-year cycle based on usage purposes and manufacturing and import volumes, to proceed through the REACH process.
According to the EC, ECHA is being allocated staff to work on biocides activities, and the number of opinions it will deliver is expected to increase from 80 in to in According to the report, the main problems encountered in complying with RoHS concentration limits are related to very thin coatings and passivation coatings.
ECHA announced on July 31,that it has published a new Guidance in a Nutshell on data sharing following the update of the guidance on the same subject.
Questions and answers on the new regulation are available online. For the Tier 2 assessment, Japan will consider the Tier 1 information, plus exposure information from manufacturers and importers, Pollutant Release and Transfer Register data, governmental monitoring data, and other information.
Comments are due September 7, Global Regulatory Update for August The length of the MOC could be extended upon mutual agreement. The report states that the issue in analyzing very thin coatings shows that the types of coatings used in electrical and electronic equipment EEE that are thinner than nanometers rarely contain restricted RoHS substances, except for some thin passivation wbnt.
nbf Under Turkey's Regulation on the Inventory and Control of Chemicals, the Ministry must prepare and publish a list of prioritized substances or groups of substances that require attention due to their potential hazards posed to human health and the environment.
The draft specifications include details on:. Turkey's Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning has published its first list of priority substances that will be subject to government-performed risk assessments.
More information is available in the Acta Group's July 26,memorandum, which is available online. The standard is available for purchase online.
GHS in Latin America: the story so far
The first, which ECHA states is likely to be used by large firms, requires companies abng submit an application to ECHA and if the product is judged safe, it may be sold throughout the EU. An increase in the number of substances defined as "hazardous chemicals" in China is also expected.
More information is available online. More information is available on the EC's website online. The report is available online. The list is available, in Turkish, online.
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